Monday, September 28, 2009

Ajuga Turkestancia

Ajuga Turkestancia contains the compound Turkesterone, and is a popular natural anabolic product in the former USSR. Taken with Rhaponticum Carthamoides has been shown to increase strength.


Vinpocetine is chemically related to, and derived from vincamine which easily crosses the blood brain barrier to dilate blood vessels, enhance circulation in the brain, improve oxygen utilization, make red blood cells more pliable and increasing neuronal ATP bio-energy production. Levels peak in the bloodstream within an hour and a half after ingestion.

Guanidino Propionic Acid (GPA)

Guanidino Propionic Acid (GPA) as shown to mimic the action of Insulin without the need for high glycemic carbohydrates. This insulin mimicking action efficiently transports nutrients throughout the body, supports glucose reuptake into the muscle and efficiently shuttles creatine into the muscle cell.

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