Friday, July 30, 2010

My Diet

I am in my final 8 Weeks out to upcoming contest. The last time I check my weight was day before yesterday and I am about 75kg. Happy about the weight but not really happy about my size. The reason I bulk for the pass few weeks was because I was trying to fill up my lagging part. Today is my low carb diet for continues 4 days including today and tomorrow will be my cheat meal. Before I proceed with my cheat meal I shall upload the daily food that I consume.

Here is my breakfast: - 200grm oven baked sweet potato
- 1 oven baked onion
- 1 can of tuna in Olive oil

In the day that I am in low carb diet, I consume about 400grm of chicken breast. That will give me about 120grm of protein. Those total amount of chicken breast will be separated into 5 to 6 meal.

This is how I prepare my chicken. I add in some mix salad with the chicken breast before I put it in the microwave. It takes about less than 1 min and 30 second to cook. I also baked a large amount of sweet potato every night to be prepare with my daily meal and also as my pre/post workout carbs.

This is how my post workout meal look like. Simple, fast & healthy try it.

Everyday before I hit the sack about 10p.m I prepare all my daily meal by cutting, weighing and storing it in the fridge. The reason because I wake up at 6a.m to train in the gym and off I go to start my day after my morning cardio. So in my container I have about 5 to 7 meal that will last till late evening. I head back to the gym in the evening to train weights. Basically my daily meal would be almost the same but sometime I do add in some different menu like salmon/beef/tuna. I hope my reader will try to do this as part of their daily meal.

Even if you're not a competitive bodybuilder, to keep a healthy life and look good by consuming fast food and prepared food is just impossible. The repeatable reason that I keep hearing :

1. I have no time to eat which make the biggest excuse of all.
2. I cannot find a healthy cooked food.
3. I prefer to drink protein to replace my meal.
4. I am not competing
5. I still manage to eat clean by not adding curry/ sugar/etc.

I have no time to eat - For the past 3 to 4 years I have been carrying my food around so do some of other bodybuilders and my friend Edmond. I have some friend that work in the front office/ sales/ personal trainer also manage to eat their meal and why can't YOU ?

I cannot find a healthy cooked food - Of course you can but it is troublesome. Imagine if you were eating in a chicken rice shop and asking the chef to peal off the skin and not putting the soy source. Not just that, the soup that they provide also you have to reject due to the content of chicken fat and high sodium in it. I did that before but it is not worth it. Paid RM 8 but only manage to eat so little chicken breast whereby for RM8 I could buy about 200grm of chicken breast.

I prefer to drink protein to replace my meal - Protein powder would make things easier but not to replace food. We cannot eat multivitamin and stop eating vegetable rite ? Again I repeat, whole food is better than process products

I am not competing - I understand that you are not competing but you are the want that wish to look like those models/ competitive bodybuilder. How can someone able to achieve to be like the model if they don't practice it. Everybody knows about consuming 5 to 7 meals a day but they are not practicing it or its not how heavy the weight you can carry but how you carry the weight that is important, still there is so many people doing heavy weight from what their body can support. Please don't hurt your self.

I still manage to eat clean by not adding curry/ sugar/etc. - This is the best excuse. If so, why aren't you looking like you are dieting ? I have many friends practice this method. Even if you don't add in or separate the source/ curry or ingredient, a chef job is to make the food taste good before you add in other ingredient. I love to eat tadoori, it has one of the healthiest method of cooking for a mamak restaurant but the fact is, before the baking begins they have marinated the chicken with herbs that sometimes added with sugar and usually before they serve it, they will add butter or gee on the chicken tandoori. Now you wonder why it taste so good rite ?

I know all my readers can achieve their fitness goal. It is not about which gym you enter or which trainer you hire and it is not about how heavy and how long you train in the gym. It is about how you cook and consume your daily meal. How a person can fall sick from diabetics, high blood pressure, stroke and etc all are from food. Food can kills you and it may aslo heal you.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

Currently I am standing around 76kg to 77kg, about 16% to 18% body fat. I still left about 8 weeks plus to achieve less than 8% body fat. It is easy to say " I can lose 1% BF(body fat) every week" and it is not impossible but it comes with a very big effort to execute it.

I have add in another method of training in my my cardio workout. I have practice it for 4 cardio session and it helps me a lot. Previously I did my cardio about 25min - 30min and my pace was around 70%-75% max hearth rate. In that period of time I burn around 400cal - 450cal, good but not perfect. From this HIIT method I burn 500cal-550cal in just about 15min, excellent and time consuming.

How does HIIT works. A person need to work double of the amount in quarter to half time of their normal cardio session, means it is so intense that you just need 15min to 20min tops. First you need to know what is your MAX HR(hearth rate)

Formula : (220 - age = max HR)
(max HR x desire percentage)
(220 - 24 = 196 is my max hearth rate)
(196 x 80%HR) = 159bpm

Example : My morning cardio goes like this, I spend about 20 min on climbing stairs. Yes, I climb stairs for my cardio just for today because the gym that I train close on Sunday. How I manage to monitor my progress you wonder ? I used Pola Hearth Rate to monitor. I manage to check my HR and calorie I burn for my workout. It also keep all records of my calorie burn for my training.

Anyway, how do you apply the HIIT training. My practice goes like this, for the first 3 min I will warm up and maintain my pace about 60% - 70% of max HR. After the warm up I will do 80%-90% of my max HR for about 2min and after that I will maintain my pace around 60%-70% for about 2min or 3min and I repeat it again. In the end of the cardio session you will sweat like a bull. TRY IT

WARM up - 60% - 70% of max HR 3min

Intense - 80% - 90% of max HR 2min

Maintain - 60% - 70% of max HR 2min/3min

Intense - 80% - 90% of max HR 2min

Maintain - 60% - 70% of max HR 2min/3min

Intense - 80% - 95% of max HR 2min

Cool down- 50% - 70% of max HR 2min

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Some of you may want to know how's my progress. Most of my friend tells me to up date my photo. Firstly before I update my photo let me inform that currently I'm eating, sleeping and training in Melbourne. Currently its winter season and in winter people here eat so much and so do I. For my contest prep in Malaysia I consume a moderate amount of carbs whereby here I consume double or triple the amount.

I am still doing carbs cycle and for high carbs day I may reach up to 600gram to 700gram of carbs mainly from weat-bix and sweet potato. I am still able to do morning cardio even tho I begin my day early. Here, life is so systematic. When it is time to eat mean its time to eat same goes for work and gym. I haven't found a competitive bodybuilder as my training partner yet but I manage to find a competitive figure model name "Ace". Anyway before I go off topic here is my 9 week out from WNBF Victoria.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Yes, Yes.. We all have the issue to gain lean muscle mass somewhere in the year. Most of the problem that we occur would be gaining so fast on weight but not on size or gaining on size but mainly fats, sound familiar ?

Few methods to solve this problem:-

1. Eat mass food to be massive
2. Train massively heavy to gain mass
3. Find the right Mass Gainer Supplement


From my past experience, most people would say to me "you should eat more to be big". That phase to me is like a green light for having lots of fast food so I did. Not knowing that eating dirty calories would make me BIG/FAT. This method help me to gain from 75kg to 85kg less than two month without knowing what weight am I gaining. I've used this method in my off season and towards to my competition preparation it took me more than 6 month to lose those fatty weight and yet I am still carrying lots of body fat on stage. For the following year I try to eat big meals and clean. Most of my calories come from oats/pasta/waxy maize/ good fats. From this method I gain slowly but lean. I gain 8kg from 70kg to 78kg in about six to 8 months, slow but keeping my self in a low body fat. Provided with the right knowledge/ food menu, I wasn't that stress preparing for that year competition. It took me around 10week to be in a good condition and lose a minimal amount of mass.

Most Common Mistake On Gaining Mass

1. NOT eating enough
2. NOT eating enough healthy clean food
3. Scared of carbohydrate
4. Too much cardio
5. Too much machine use
6. Not enough rest/recovery time

Conclusion, get the fact right from the right person and stick with clean calories even tho it is slow.

Train massively heavy to gain mass

Everybody knows train like an animal to be a beast. Most of the methods of training should come from compound movement instead of isolation. Whats the difference between compound and isolation?

Compound - Workout that involve more than one muscle group

Isolation - Workout concentrate in that one group of muscle.

Compound exercises are movements that use multiple joints at one time. When you perform compound exercises, more muscle groups are recruited and used per exercise. Exercises that isolate certain muscles and muscle groups do have an important role in fitness, especially for advanced lifters. However, if your schedule calls for reduced exercise time, compound exercises are the way to go. Example of compound workout are squat, deadlift, barbell row, dumbell chest press and etc. Try to keep the ego at home while doing the compound, the goal is to execute a good and perfect form with this compound movement workout.

Find the right Mass Gainer

So, which is the best mass gainer for you. Firstly, an individual should know which category they belong to.

# Ectomorph - naturally skinny and has a hard time gaining weight (both muscle and fat).

# Mesomorph - naturally built and has the tendency to gain both weight easy but can also lose weight fairly easy.

# Endomorph - naturally heavy and has an easy time gaining weight (more so fat than muscle) and a hard time losing it.

As for me, I belong in endmorph category. I gain easily in less than 8 week but for contest I have to be in a dieting phase about 10 to 12 weeks out from the contest. For extomorph it is best to consume a mass gainer/weight gainer high in calories and sugar. Don't be afraid of gaining fat or getting diabetics cause it is hard for you to gain fat from consuming a single serving of weight gainer. After a workout an individual need to consume high glycemic carbs/ sugar to stop them to be in a catabolic state so sugar for post workout is recommended. Try to find Gainer that is above 800calories, 40gram protein, 16gram sugar, 150gram carbs.

some of the Weight Gainer

As for Mesomorph, it is best to consume a minimal amount of sugar with high content of carbs. I named categories this product under lean mass gainer. Moderate carbs about 500calories, high protein 40gram above and low in sugar less than 16grams.

some of Lean Mass Gainer

As for my category "Endomorph", it is best to consume natural food but if it is hard to do so than go for lowest content, 200calories or less, moderate amount of protein, lowest content of sugar 6gram or less.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Stacks & Micronutrient

Before I provide my "secret" stacks and nutritional diet, how can an individual know how much protein should they consume. Every athlete has different ration towards their diet from bodybuilder to distance runner up to trauma recovery.

Bodybuilding 1.0 - 1.6g/lb bodyweight
Endurance 0.7 - 0.9g/lb bodyweight
Power & Speed 0.9 - 1.1g/lb bodyweight
Trauma Recovery 0.9 - 1.4g/lb bodyweight
Dieting 0.35 - 1.0g/lb bodyweight
Stressed 0.45 - 0.7g/lb bodyweight

Now I'm in bulking and dieting at the same time so I'm consuming around 170grm protein up to 270grm per day. Personally I would suggest others to cycle the protein intake from the lowest amount to the highest weekly because to burn fat most competitive bodybuilder cycle their carbs intake to play around with the calories. Example, high carb day usually goes with low protein consumption and low carb goes with high protein.

Macronutrient Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Protein 32.50% 32.50% 42.50% 55.00% 27.00% 27.00% 32.50%
Carbohydrates 52.50% 52.50% 32.50% 25.00% 67.00% 67.00% 52.50%
Fat 17.50% 17.50% 27.00% 27.00% 12.50% 12.50% 17.50%

Next, most of my protein comes from chicken breast oven and tuna/salmon in can.

Chicken breast meat only, cooked, roasted

Grams Calories
Protein 31.02 grams 124 calories
Carbohydrates 0.00 grams 0 calories
Fats 3.57 grams 32 calories

Tuna/ salmon in can

Grams Calories
Protein 23.62 grams 94 calories
Carbohydrates 0.00 grams 0 calories
Fats 2.97 grams 27 calories

My meal of the day goes like this :-

Breakfast Tuna in can
Lunch Chicken breast
Post w/out Whey Protein
Post w/out meal Chicken breast/ Tuna in can
Tea-break Chicken breast
Snack Cashew nut
Dinner Tuna in can
Supper Chicken breast

As the competition get closer I increase my cardio from 3 to 6 times a week. To fasten the fat burning process and keeping the strength and focus I used N.O with Thermogenics products like caffeine, L-carnitine and Yohimbine.

If doing a long duration of steady pace cardio ain't working anymore, try to change it to HIT (High Interval Training) surely it help the fat burning effect.
I would also suggest to have a single cheat meal every 10day, reason it will help to reset the metabolic rate and also to cheat the body to digest more calories after consuming the cheat meal.

more info :

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Time 2 Time

For my supporter and his request, the transformation from time to time here you go..

Currently my diet are :-

1. Salmon in can
2. Chicken breast
3. Weat-bix
4.Whole grain bread
5. Peanut butter
6. Salad
7. Cashew nut
8. Protein bars

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Back Into It

I've taken two weeks break from my strict diet and training due to time, unstoppable event and giving time for my body to rest. Yes, as a competitive bodybuilder we have to understand our body very well. Imagine this, been training for months after months and 12 weeks of strict diet to dialed into the perfect condition so just give the body a break at least for a week or two.

Currently, I'm training in Melbourne Australia. Still thinking which gym should I join. I have 30 free visits to any Fitness First in Australia. My first choice would be doherty's gym located about 20min away from my place.

Vaults 1-4,
Banana Alley (Flinders Street)
Melbourne 3000
Victoria, Australia

Next would be RMIT Gym. Simple yet it has what I need, they just need a larger space.

I have less than 11weeks for my next and first contest in Melbourne, WNBF Victoria Champinship and 12 weeks out from the ANB Victoria Natural Bodybuilding. So get ready to be thrilled by me.

Current Status :

- 78kg
- 18-20%BF
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